Our existence has been driven by the quest for technology-driven research. Since our inception in 2013, we have built our practice to cater to the fast changing communication and technology driven world. At NextON, it is our belief that our clients need a partner who can produce accurate and relevant information and turn it into actionable outcomes. We turn the data-driven market research to insights that provides the true understanding of people and markets. That’s why so many international companies rely on us to help them spark better connections. This approach has helped us build strong relationships with the biggest players in the market research industry.

  • 2004

    Started working in Online Market Research in Greenfield Online (acquired by Toluna)

  • 2008

    Full Service Market Research – From Questionnaire designing to Data Analysis in Springboard research (acquired by Forrester Research)

  • 2009

    Started India Operations for uSamp (acquired by Dynata)

  • 2013

    Founded NextON Services

  • 2014

    Launched Proprietary Panel ‘Global Research Panels’

  • 2015

    Expanded Panel globally to 15 countries

  • 2016

    Moved New Delhi team to a bigger office space

  • 2018

    Launched ‘Virtuoso’, the next generation project management platform

  • 2019

    Innovation continues..

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